While bodyweight movements can be considered a simple form of exercise - make no mistake: simple doesn’t necessarily mean easy. These workouts are simple, scalable to any fitness level and you can do them just about anywhere.
These workouts also make great benchmark workouts. Do a 5-10 minute warm-up (like this one), then complete any workout to your best ability. Track your score. Then keep up with your training for 6-8 weeks. Repeat the workout and see how far you’ve progressed! (Need a personalized fitness program? Click right here and let’s work together!)
Choose a place - your garage, front yard or a park. Lace up your shoes, grab a friend and get it done.
Here are 7 simple (but not easy!) workouts you can do with absolutely zero equipment.
Don’t forget to do a quick warm-up!
Workout 1
20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 reps of:
Back lunges
Workout 2
800 m run
12 squats
12 burpees
600 m run
10 squats
10 burpees
400 m run
8 squats
8 burpees
200 m run
6 squats
6 burpees
Then repeat all the way back up in reverse order until you have completed the 800 m run again.
Workout 3
5 rounds for time
400 m run
20 burpees
Workout 4
EMOM 10 (Every Minute on the Minute for 10 minutes)
5 pushups
5 squats
5 burpees
Workout 5
200 burpees for time
Workout 6
1000 rep workout
4 rounds of 25 reps each of:
tricep dips
lunges left leg
plank shoulder taps
lunges right leg
bicycle crunches
mountain climbers
glute bridges
Workout 7
40 seconds on, 20 seconds off of each move
High knees
Plank jacks
Dead bugs - alternating sides
Mountain Climbers
Squat jumps
Bear Crawl
Repeat x3