Burpees over a sandbag are a great combination.
If you don’t have much space to store equipment, or don’t have a full-gym budget, then a sandbag is a super versatile piece of equipment that can give you a ton of bang for your buck in the gym. Sandbags are great because you can scale any workout to suit your fitness level, they don’t take up much room, they’re easy to travel with (empty, then refill at your destination) and with various filler bags, you can quickly change the weight, depending on the workout.
Whether you’re new to sandbag training, or a long-time sandbag warrior, these 7 workout are guaranteed to challenge you and make you stronger. Add in one of these workouts to your regular routine to take things up a notch, or make sandbags your go-to mode of training. Just make sure to do a quick warm-up (like this one!) & take at least a rest day or two each week to avoid over-training.
Workout 1:
Sandbag Overhead Press
Mountain Climbers (2 count) with hands on the sandbag.
The way this one works is you’ll do 30 reps of each move, then 20 reps of each move, 10 reps of each move, then work your way back up to 20 reps and then finishing off with 30 reps of each move once more. Find a good pace, and get in the groove.
Workout 2:
5 Rounds
3 minute Sandbag Ruck
20 Sandbag Thrusters
3 minute Sandbag Ruck
10 bear-crawl pull-throughs
For the ruck, keep the sandbag centred across your back and make sure you stop in a good place to complete the thrusters and pull-throughs.
Workout 3:
2 Rounds:
10 Sandbag Pushups
20 Sandbag Back Squats
10 Sandbag Pushups
20 Sandbag Front Squats
10 Sandbag Pushups
20 Sandbag Bear Hug Squats
The sandbag pushups can be done in one of two ways: either with your hands on the sandbag (which is on the floor), or with the sandbag on your back to make this workout more challenging. Try to complete each set of squats without putting the sandbag down, but of course, if you need to break them up into smaller sets, that’s fine too!
Workout 4
5 Rounds:
8 Sandbag Bent-Over Rows
8 Sandbag Cleans
8 Sandbag Squat to Alternating Shoulder Press
5 Sandbag Back Lunges Right Shoulder
5 Sandbag Back Lunges Left Shoulder
Rest 1 minute between rounds
Feel free to jump in the ice bath after this one - your legs will thank you for it!
Workout 5
3 Rounds:
12 Ground-to-Shoulder, alternating sides
200 m Sandback Ruck
12 Sandbag Bear Hug Squats
200 m Sandbag Ruck
12 Sandbag Pushups
200 m Sandback Ruck
Get that sandbag across your back for the ruck sections, and keep your head up so you don’t bail with 20-60 lbs. on your back.
Workout 6
3 x 3 minute AMRAP
12 Sandbag Step-Ups, alternating legs
12 Sandbag Thrusters
Max Burpees over sandbag
Rest 1 minute between AMRAPs
For the step-ups, a plyo box 16-20 inches high is ideal. Use whatever you have around - a sturdy chair, stairs or some stacked up weight plates. When you’ve completed the step-ups and thrusters, complete as many burpees over the sandbag (burpee, then jump over the sandbag and repeat), as possible in the remaining time for that AMRAP.
Workout 7
10 Pushups with pull-through
10 Sandbag floor press
10 Sandbag Glute Bridges
200 m single arm farmers carry, switch hands halfway
The push-ups with pull-through have the sandbag positioned to the side of your body as you complete a push-up, then pull it across under your body in the plank position. For the glute bridges, you’re on your back on the floor - position the sandbag across the front of your hips and leave it there for the duration of the exercise.
If you do any of these workouts, or if you’re enjoying this content, tag me on Instagram!