
Cold plunging and June Challenge

Important: Before engaging in this or any health and fitness trend/activity/fad/random thing you saw online - make sure to check with your health care team to make sure it’s a good choice for you!

This post may contain affiliate links.

Cold plunging has been trending for a while now, and if you haven’t given it a try yet, you might be wondering: does it actually work? or is it all a fad?

One thing I can tell you for sure: whether through the placebo effect, positive thinking, or just believing that it does actually work, cold plunging has been working great for me.

A quick Google search will leave you with a long list of touted benefits:

  • Enhanced immunity

  • Better circulation

  • Reduced inflammation

  • Boosted mood

  • Increased metabolism

  • Better sleep

  • Faster recovery

  • Decreased muscle pain

  • Joint pain relief

  • Improved insulin resistance

  • Relieving depression

  • Elevated Energy

  • Weight loss

  • Improved skin and hair health

  • Decreased swelling

  • Boosted mental health

  • Increased mental clarity

  • Endorphins boost

  • Improved muscle repair

  • …And more.

And while there’s plenty of studies and anecdotal evidence online supporting these claims, one thing is for sure, I definitely notice a positive difference in the following areas when I cold plunge regularly.

  • better mood

  • increased energy

  • better temperature regulation

  • better cold tolerance

  • decreased soreness in joints and muscles

  • increased optimism

  • increased confidence in myself

  • increased resilience in daily life

  • general increased feeling of wellness

So I thought it would be fun to do a cold exposure challenge for the month of June, to kickstart your cold exposure journey!

June Cold Exposure Challenge

Starting June 1st, the challenge is simple - get cold!

We’ll start with 10 seconds of cold water immersion. You choose whether that’s in a cold plunge, turning your shower to cold for the last few seconds, in an ice bath, or out in a cold lake or river - or any combo you like.

Each week we will increase the time so that by the end of the month, you’re doing a whole minute on the last day!

  • Week 1: 10 seconds

  • Week 2: 20 seconds

  • Week 3: 30 seconds

  • Week 4: 40 seconds

  • June 30th: 1 minute!!!


  • Week 1 is June 1-8th.

  • You don’t have to start with a tub full of ice to get all the great benefits from cold exposure. Anything under 15 degrees is perfect. A good starting point is between 10-15 degrees. Most homes have cold water running in the shower at anywhere between 6-12 degrees, so that’s perfect!

  • Dunk in real fast or ease in nice and slow - do whatever is easier for you. The goal is to keep it at a level that you can maintain each and every day - so go easy on yourself.

  • When you’ve completed your goal time for the day, ease yourself out of the cold water/shower, dry off and allow your body to warm itself back up naturally. You might get tingles, or warm-ness feeling all over - woohoo! You did it!

    Need your own plunge pool? See the one I use here!

    (PLUS get 15% off when you use code: RENEE07360)

    That’s it!

Make sure to share your journey on socials using the hashtags #sirenruckclub and #badmotherruckers so I can find you and share! :)